
Agape Nazarene Compassion Center Inc. is a Christian aid organization
humanitarian organization founded in July 2021 by Dr. Saúl Carranza Muñoz in the district
Prairie Lakes Church of the Nazarene. (Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota
South) For members of the Church of the Nazarene Compassion is a way of life.
This organization has been created to help the church develop this ministry and
learn to work with other organizations that promote service to
people in need.

Agape Inc. promotes comprehensive well-being by combating the causes and effects of poverty
among the Hispanic population of the United States.
The vision is to fight for a dignified life for all. Poverty has many
faces, not just the economic one. The needs of human beings can be many and
Very varied. Hunger, loneliness, illness, marginalization, lack of opportunities or
dear. So many things that make human beings be or feel unhappy. The work of
Agape focuses on clothing, shelter, feeding, healing, educating and living in
solidarity with those who suffer under oppression, injustice, violence,
poverty, hunger, and disease.

Fighting poverty is not only about providing relief for the most terrible of
its consequences. It is to eliminate the causes that lead to feeling pain and helplessness
of those who have no way of facing these evils. Many times we just want
calm a person's hunger when they have many more needs or even
More importantly, she can calm her hunger herself. But, she doesn't know how. A wise man
ancient times said if you give a person a fish you will calm their hunger today but
Tomorrow you will be hungry again. If you teach her to fish you will calm her hunger for

Our goal at agape is to do both, help solve today's hunger,
but also allow the person to have the freedom to be a builder of their own
of her future of her having the resources, knowledge and opportunities that she and her family
they need. The elderly, children, young people and adults can be victims of these evils and that is why in the
spirit of biblical Christianity we commit ourselves to the poor and the suffering to
help you by providing goods and resources, training and helping the integration of the
Hispanic community to take advantage of all the benefits and opportunities available.
Agape Nazarene Compassion Center is also a training center for
pastors and leaders of Christian churches to learn how to develop ministries
communities in which they learn to use their most valuable resource, love
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